Two Polish skiers killed in Kashmir Himalayas

Snow avalanche hit upper reaches of Gulmarg ski resort in India’s Kashmir region


Two Polish skiers were killed while over a dozen people were rescued after a massive snow avalanche hit the tourist resort of Gulmarg in Indian Kashmir on Wednesday.

The government officials said they have rescued 19 foreign skiers and their two local guides.

The snow avalanche from the Afarwat moutains hit Kongdoori in the upper reaches of Gulmarg health resort on Wednesday afternoon

Gulmarg is famous with Indian and international skiers who throng the ski resort during the winter. On Wednesday as the avalanche was triggered. a large number of skiers, both international and local, were at Kongdoori. 

The avalanche hit the area where foreign skiers were skiing down the slope. Two Polish skiers were buried under the mound of snow.

“On receiving the information police mobilized joint rescue teams and reached the site of the avalanche. During the rescue operation, 19 foreign nationals and two local guides have been rescued,” the Police said. “Unfortunately, two foreign nationals lost their lives in the avalanche”.

The officials have identified the killed skiers as Krzysctof and Adam Grzech of Poland.

The Disaster Management Authoriy of the region had warned of avalanches in higher regions of the Himalayan valley. 

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