Fridays for Future | Report Himalayas

Worldwide demonstrations organized to highlight effects of climate change

The call for the demonstrations was given by Fridays for Future, a global youth movement to highlight the concerns about the effects of global warming.

RH Monitoring Desk.

September 22

Youth activists staged demonstrations in multiple capital cities to put spotlight on their concerns about the effects of global warming. The activists also demanded aid for poor countries that are facing the effects of climate change.

On Friday, demonstrators took to streets in Berlin, Rome, Tokyo and Jakarta and several other cities of Europe and Asia to highlight their concerns about the changing climate and its effects. The coordinated demonstrations were called for by the ‘Fridays for Future’, a global youth movement.

The youth movement that has been inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg demands that the global temperature rise should be kept below 1.5 degree Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, that there should be “climate justice and equity” and “listen to the best united science currently available”.

The biggest demonstration was organised in Germany’s Berlin, where around 20000 youth activists took to streets. The demonstrators demanded that the German government should establish a 100 billion euro fund for meting the challenges of the climate change.

A similar protest was organised in Italy’s Rome where over 5000 youth took out a protest march. Protests were also held in Budapest in Hungary, Indonesia’s Jakarta and Tokyo in Japan.

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