Year 2022 5th warmest year on record, says EU’s climate service  

In 2022, Europe saw its hottest summer and third warmest autumn on record. It has also been recorded aa the second warmest year in Europe

RH Desk

January 12

The year 2022 has been the fifth-warmest year ever measured globally, according to a report. The report says 2022 was the second-warmest year in Europe.

EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service said multiple temperature records were set in 2022 while greenhouse gas concentrations soared.

The data said the year 2022 was the “fifth warmest year measured since temperature records were maintained,” and the last eight years had been recorded as the hottest eight-year period.

It also said the yearly average temperature was 0.3 degrees higher than the 1991-2020 reference period last year and the temperature rose 1.2 degrees Celsius between 1850 and 1900.

In 2022, Europe saw its hottest summer and third warmest autumn on record, according to seasonal measures.

In other parts of the world, long-lasting heat waves afflicted Pakistan, India, and China throughout the summer, while Pakistan suffered the worst flood disaster in recent years.

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