Davos 2023: Climate activists protest over big oil companies ‘hijacking debate’

Scores of climate activists gather in Davos to stage a protest questioning the presence of the leaders of the big energy firms at the meetings

RH Desk
Jan 16

As the annual meeting of global business and political leaders in Switzerland starts on Monday, scores of climate activists gathered in Davos to protest against the role of big oil companies at the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Demanding stronger action to tackle the climate crisis, activists said they are demanding concrete and real climate action.

Holding placards, over 100 protesters gathered in a Davos square and were chanting “change your diet for the climate, eat the rich.”

According to reports, the annual meeting will be attended by some 1,500 business leaders, including major energy firms.

Talking regarding the involvement of energy companies at the WEF meeting Nicolas Siegrist, who also heads the Young Socialists party in Switzerland, said:  “They will be in the same room with state leaders and they will push for their interests.”

Heather Smith, a member of the 99% Organisation, a volunteer movement was quoted by Reuters as saying, “I know some of the companies are involved in alternatives but I think governments with their subsidies, have to skew the field in favour of alternative energy.” “There is still too much money to be made from fossil fuel investments,” she added.

Rising interest rates have made it harder for renewable energy developments to attract financing, giving traditional players with deep pockets a competitive advantage

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