As focus on clean energy increases, Britain harvests record wind power from its turbines

On 30 December, Country produced a record 20.91 gigawatts (GW) from onshore & offshore wind turbines. 

RH Desk 

January 04

With focus on clean energy increasing worldwide, Britain has set a new record in wind power generation.  The country has produced a record 20.91 gigawatts (GW) from the wind turbines on December 30. 

This record energy has been harvested by the country from both its onshore and offshore turbines thus helping it boost clean energy supplies late last year.

National Grid’s electricity system operator (ESO), which handles Great Britain’s grid, said that a new record for wind generation was set on 30 December, when 20.91 gigawatts (GW) were produced by turbines.

This represented the third time Britain’s fleet of wind turbines set new generation records in 2022. In May, National Grid had to ask some turbines in the west of Scotland to shut down, as the network was unable to store such a large amount of electricity when a then record 19.9GW of power was produced – enough to boil 3.5m kettles.

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